Congratulations to Kendra L. for winning!
Kendra L.
London, Ontario
About My Transformation
DEDICATION, ENTHUSIASM, GRIT, PERSEVERANCE, HARD-WORK, DETERMINATION, MOTIVATION.... INSPIRATIONAL!! This group of women have now completed 3 phases of bootcamp training! Together, they have not only accomplished their fitness goals and objectives, but have surpassed them! All of the workouts were based on the essential fundamentals of training—cardio, strength and agility/flexibility and functional movement patterns and were very intense! Each day this group of women became increasingly healthier in not just their bodies, but their MINDS and SPIRITS! Sticking together and encouraging each of us to get out that last rep! Acknowledging and being proud of our own successes and accomplishments while being so proud and supportive of everyone else's too! As a coach, I couldn't have imagined the outcome that I have witnessed from these women! They have inspired ME to be even better and the best coach that I can be for them! What an amazing journey.... and it continues!